Benefits Surgeries

17/01/24 Via Zoom From 14:00-16:00

Register now for a half hour one to one session with Rachel Stelmach, Funding and Training Development Officer.


The world of benefits is a confusing and difficult one. It is a measure of our society how we treat the most vulnerable and the society we are living in is one that absolutely makes life more difficult than it needs to be. As a DAC member we want you to be ambitious about your art career and feel able to apply for commissions or other opportunities without worrying about whether payments will impact your benefits. Maybe you are ready to try out or return to the world of self-employment. Or maybe you are thinking about trying out a few hours of work a week. Whatever your situation is, don’t stress about it, come and talk to us instead, there may be a solution to the issue you are worrying about.

Whatever your situation is, if you are worried about how to manage benefits and earnings or whether you are missing out on something you are entitled to, come along to these one to one surgeries and have a chat. It could really help and you may find out about something you were not aware of.

Or if you have questions before you feel ready to register, please email


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Lucent Dreaming Anthology