Reminder: Membership Renewal

The deadline for DAC Membership Renewal this year is 30th June 2024.

If you have not renewed by then, unfortunately we will have to remove you as DAC members (until you choose to join again).

We are donating £1 on behalf of every renewing member to UNICEF to support their work protecting children in Gaza. We know that a lot of our members want to donate but might not be in a position to do so because the Cost of Living Crisis has disproportionately affected disabled people.

We renew membership annually to remain UK General Data Protection Regulations [GDPR] compliant and to make sure that our list of members is current and up to date.

You can renew your membership by filling out this membership form.

If you’ve already renewed you don’t need to do anything else.

2024/25 is a very exciting year for the organisation. Thanks for successful multi-year funding from the Arts Council of Wales, DAC will shortly be announcing some very exciting opportunities for artists in all art-forms, throughout the year.

- Membership is free for self-disclosing disabled, neurodivergent or Deaf people in Wales.

- Membership is £10 for self-disclosing disabled, neurodivergent or Deaf people outside of Wales.

- Membership is £10 for non-disabled people in Wales.

We look forward to working together in 2024/25!


DAC Artist Tina Rogers Exhibition at RCA Conwy


Artist of the Month: Leila Bebb