Artist of the month Mawrth/Ebrill - louise Bretland-treharne

A caucasian woman with a grey clipped-back bob stands smiling looking at the camera. Her right hand is holding onto a walking aid. She is standing on paving stones in front of a window, wearing a long beige coat, on top of a floral shirt and jeans.

My name is Louise Bretland-Treharne.  

I grew up in a small village called Cribyn near Lampeter in Ceredigion. I now live in Johnstown on the outskirts of Carmarthen town.  I am a writer, story teller and poet living with Ataxia and other medical conditions which involves cognitive changes. I am in recovery from womb cancer.  My writing is based on many themes such as creating awareness on disabilities, 

I write on the themes of motherhood, animals and nature, grief and loss, landscape, humour, health and social care. I have a memoir which is currently being looked at by a publisher. My short stories and poems have been published in magazines, newspapers and on digital platforms on the national and international scene using the languages of Welsh and English. 




Un ton ar ol ton o hiraeth. 

Anal byr a fas rhwng tonnau cryf.  

Perygl o foddi yn llifogydd o dagrau. 

Rhegi a poeri allan y poen  

gyda'r gair damio drosodd a drosodd.  

Byth rhagor yr un peth.  

Dim yn bosibl anghofio  

pobl cariadus neu cofion cynnes.  

Fy nghalon dynner yn rhwygo  

gyda ergyd trwm i'm ysbryd.  

Hiraeth yw'r gair na gall fod yn llai.  

Teimlad ofnadwy yn bwrw eich enaid,  

dyna ystyr hiraeth.  

Cymro neu Cymraes  

wedi canu sawl emyn mewn angladd  

i ddeall dwfnder y gair hiraeth. 



One wave after wave of longing. 

Short shallow breath,  

between each powerful wave.  

Danger of drowning, in floods of tears.  

Swearing and spitting out the pain,  

with the word damn over and over. 

Never again to be the same.  

Impossible to forget loving people,  

or warm memories.  

My tender heart rips,  

with a heavy impact to my spirit.  

Longing, a word that cannot be less.  

A terrible feeling that hits the soul,  

that's the meaning of longing.  

Welshman or Welsh woman,  

having sung several hymns at a funeral,  

will understand the depth of the word  


Links to other works:




1 Lost like a car on the roundabout 

2 Ataxia Only Joking!


New exhibition at The Riverfront tells the story of the Windrush generation in Wales


Cultural Freelancers Wales -Futurism Commissions